Counseling Home
9th & 10th Grade
A-Ei: Mrs. Cary Settles, Room F19
Ej-Le: Mrs. Beata Lech, Room F9b
Lf-Rn: Mr. David J. Lee, Room F24
Ro-Z: Ms. Torrye Isom, Room E24
11th & 12th Grade (Room A1)
A-Co - Ms. Melissa Stephenson
Cp-Ht - Ms. Sybilree Fitzgerald
Hu-Me - Ms. Elizabeth Ceuninck
Mf-Sa - Ms. Ashlee Linderman
Sb-Z - Mr. William Blair
Counseling Support Staff (Room A1)
SST Coordinator - Mrs. Beata Lech
504 Support - Dr. Elaine Conklin
Office Manager - Mrs. Karen T. Smith
Registrar - Mrs. Aimee Cantrell
Records Clerk - Mrs.Miriam Calejo
BHS Counseling Main Number: (678) 344-2603
To withdraw a student: (678) 639-3479
Scheduling an Appointment
Gwinnett County School Counselors will continue supporting students' academic success, career development, and social-emotional growth, through individual meetings, conferences, presentations, groups, and classroom lessons/activities.
Students can schedule appointments with counselors through email or coming to the Counseling Office (A1).